From our facebook live published on Sunday 15th March 2020


Hey Yogis! We’ve made some changes at the studio to move in line with social distancing measures & optimal hygiene.

Over the coming days/weeks we will evolve and make changes depending on how things unfold.

I’m not going to lie - we will be needing all the support we can get during this time so that we can continue to support our staff, family, and maintain the ability to have a viable studio. I also know that many of YOU are going to need more support than ever.

We are deeply committed to continue to share the tools of yoga, meditation and pranayama to help you stay healthy, mobile & as strong as you can be.

The tools we have learned in yoga…. are really the tools for this moment. To remain calm, connected, yet flexible and forward thinking.

I feel it’s better to take action sooner rather than later and although schools are not on lockdown yet… I personally feel like we need to follow the example of Japan and other countries that introduced early distancing measures.

We are working very hard this week to ensure the space is clean in addition to taking classes online.




✔︎ We have reduced our class sizes by 30% so that mats are spaced out in line with social distancing

✔︎ Please continue to use the studio booking system to facilitate our reduced capacity at this time

✔︎ Our 2 hr cancellation still applies so that students on a waitlist have ample time to make class

✔︎ Because we are running at a much lower capacity - we ask that you honour our 2 hour cancellation policy - if you are feeling unwell - please still use the app to ‘late cancel’ even if it is after the cutoff as this means we may still be able to offer the spot up to someone else.

✔︎ If your schedule or day is prone to last minute changes - check 30mins before the class start time as this is the time that late cancellations have happened and the best way to hop into class!


✔︎ Please bring your own yoga mat & strap

✔︎ You can purchase a yoga mat from the studio or your local sports/dept store

✔︎ Alternatively you can BYO towel to cover our studio mats

✔︎ We will not be using props at the moment (straps / eye pillows / blankets / blocks) but you can BYO

✔︎ When using a bolster you will need to use a towel over the top


✔︎ Please do not attend class if you are feeling unwell

✔︎ Hand sanitizer pumps + soap is available at check in

✔︎ Please wash your hands with soap when you arrive at the studio (in the basin not sink)

✔︎ Avoid hugs, kisses, and handshakes, when greeting staff or yogis

✔︎ Single-use paper towels have replaced cloth towels at the hand basin

✔︎ Signs are going up regarding hygiene reminders

✔︎ Please BYO keep cup for tea

✔︎ Alternatively if you use a studio cup, please wash with soap before and after


✔︎ Sat 9.30am is a slow flow vinyasa class that will also cater for pregnancy - but anyone can attend - you will notice there are two options to sign up for this class online - if you have a regular pass - use the ‘slow flow vinyasa’ sign up. If you have a prenatal pass - use the ‘prenatal’ sign up. The class will focus on a progressive flow to ease hip and lower back tension. This class won’t include inversions.

✔︎ Mon 6am is a High Intensity Yoga Inspired class with Russ - great for yoga + cardiovascular fitness. This class works by moving through a yoga inspired class with little bursts of interval training. You work at your own level and we have ALL ages attending this class. It’s really fun and a great way to start your week.


✔︎ Obviously reducing capacity by 30% overnight and closures on the horizon is a very tough prospect for a small business in a time that feels quite uncertain so…..

✔︎ We are very grateful if you continue your practice with us in studio :-)

✔︎ All our current members will have access to our online classes :-)

✔︎ We are also working out options to access online classes for those NOT on a membership.

✔︎ Information about online options will be available within the next few days - make sure you follow us on instagram or facebook if you use those platforms.

✔︎ If you need to cancel - we will still be adhering to our 30 day policy - but we will offer you the chance to put any final payments towards a 10 pass card for the future.



Private lessons are a great option if you are now suddenly working from home and have a more flexible schedule.

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